Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Coming up.....


Don't be shy!  Leave me a comment!  I can see that I am getting a lot of hits!  Tell me if there is something you want to discuss.  :)


Unknown said...

I am interested in other people's hurdles to achieving the goal and what they use for motivation to JUMP those hurdles! For example, here are mine:

1. I am/feel too fat to put on the workout clothes...they cling to my body...what if someone sees me and how terrible I look?

Solution: Envision the "me" that awaits the end of training and all the hard work, not what is there now. Who cares if someone sees you and thinks, "look at that sweaty fatty run" because at the end of the day, my butt was NOT on the couch :) I actually had someone elude to that once when my husband and I did the half-marathon. My response? "Oh, did YOU just run > 13 miles? No. Okay then."

2. I am tired, exhausted in fact.

Solution: just put on my shoes and show up. If I can give it at least 10 minutes, I know it will start to feel good and I will be glad that I showed up. Remembering Alicia's posting: there are 1440 minutes in every day. I should be able to spare 30 for exercise.

3. I love food. I love sweet food.

Solution: Don't buy the crap that I shouldn't be eating. Not so easy to eat if I don't have it accessible. And again, log the calories before eating and decide if it is worth it to ruin my great week of being under calories.

4. It will take forever to get where I want to be/it's never going to happen/it is too hard.

Solution: The end result will be so worth it. After 1 week of eating right and exercising, I know I will feel better even if I don't look better yet. I have to remind myself to take it slow. Follow the program (mine are Lose It and Couch to 5K) and not try to go farther, faster. No need to burn out!

Anyhow, these are my obstacles. What are obstacles you guys have???

Dan and Denise said...

Heehee! Love that picture. So true!