Wednesday, July 25, 2012

I don't want to leave my kids......

I hear this excuse all the time.  I always laugh inside when I hear it too.  I know that the person saying it knows that I workout nearly everyday.  I don't take offense to it but I do laugh.  Are they saying I'm a bad mom?  Well, I definitely have my flaws as a parent but I don't think this is one of them!  I think that this is just an excuse to get out of doing something that is hard and takes perseverance.  

As parents, we all make a ton of sacrifices for our families.  If you really think about, it starts before conception!  Then, you (moms) are pregnant.  Wow, now there's a sacrifice!  Then you nurse the little boogers.  They literally suck the life out of you!  ha!  I could go on and on.  Taking the time to workout is something that you must take the time for!!!  There are countless benefits of exercise.  Turn on the TV.  People are talking about it all the time.  Besides the obvious, there are lots of benefits for your family....

1.  Sanity:  Yeah, I am pretty sure my family wants me to work out on most days.  I am a GROUCH when I don't do it.  I have less patience with them.  I am just not nice.
2.  You can keep up with your kids.  You can go do things without any kind of physical limitation.
3.  You are setting a good example for them.  With video games, computers, and TV, there is so much for kids to do that requires little to NO activity.  My kids will say, "Gosh Mom.  This is good exercise.  It's good for my body."  That is so important to teach them this in this world of unhealthy, obese people.
4.  You are more self-confident.  That itself makes you a better mom and wife. 
5.  As you get older, it's harder and harder to "start" something like this.  That doesn't mean anyone is too old but the earlier the better!  You have to keep that body moving and in working order for your kids and grand kids.
6.  Did I mention sanity?!?!

There really are countless benefits.  You just can't feel bad about it.  You don't feel bad to have a girl's night out (moms) or a golf outing (dads) without your kids so don't feel bad about this either!

Above all, you are worth it and you deserve it as a person and an individual!  


Unknown said...

Great work!

Unknown said...

So glad that you have this going! You are an inspiration. I have been dying (literally when I think of it) for some much needed motivation to get me back on track. While I am not a mom yet, I sure do hope to be soon. I don't want my kids to grow up with bad body images. I certainly do not want any limitations in what I can do with them...climbing stairs in the house shouldn't be the enemy. Keep up the great work and I look forward to following and capturing your motivation and persistence and absorbing it for myself.

The Black's said...

This is such a good point! I kind of feel that twinge of guilt come on occassionally, but you are so right!