Sunday, February 24, 2013

Triathlon--The Story

The story is actually pretty uneventful. Everything went just as I planned in my head which is a good thing! We started by picking up our packet and getting our markings. I think this part is cool. I kinda felt like a warrior! ha! I will get a round (obnoxious) sticker that says "TRI" as soon as I find one. They weren't selling them today.  I'm sure I'll get one at the marathon when I get one that says 26.2!  WAHOO!!
We got everything set up in our transition areas. This was the pool area. Goggles and cap were set and ready!
This was the bike area. Helmet, shoes, gloves, water, and bike. Ready! A HUGE shout out to Allison for loaning me her bike. That thing is awesome, awesome, awesome!!!! I felt like such a pro clipping in!! :)
The order of a "normal" triathlon is swim, bike, run. This one was in, bike, swim because of the cold weather. I went with Deana, Laura, and Alisha. Fun group!!
And we were off! The run felt great! My pace was 7:58. I held back because I was nervous since it was the first leg and I didn't know what to expect. I was passing people left and right on the hills. We've been training hills because of our Nashville race being so hilly. I can tell. I think it's paying off! Total time: 24:41. I came in first in my age group for the run.
Transition time. I really don't know what I could do here to make this faster. I had everything set up. I changed from my running shoes to my biking shoes and I changed gloves. I put on my face mask and my helmet and I was off. I was 4th in my age group for the transition. Not sure how to make this faster.
The bike portion was a 6 mile loop that we did twice. My time was 40:12. I came in 2nd just behind the overall first place girl. She and I were neck in neck. I was worried the whole time that I would blow a tire. I didn't train for that and I knew I would be pretty much screwed! Thankfully, that didn't happen!
The swim was last. Oh the swim. I knew this would be my weakest leg....and it was. I came in last place in my age group for a time of 11:43. The first place gal finished in 6:31. This is where she got me. I am slow don't get me wrong but the pool was crowded. It was hard to maneuver around all the people. I did breaststroke some so I could see the people around me. No matter my time....I was pumped to be FINISHED!!!
Everyone did a great job!! We were so happy to have all finished in one piece!
And our numbers!!
I am so happy with my time....1:21:31! I really didn't know what to expect. I had no expectations. When I heard that I came in 2nd in my age group, I was excited. I won a prize and I got to walk up and claim it! I know what I need to work on....clearly it's swimming. I am just slow and steady and I need to be fast and steady! ha! I may do the next one in March. You swim first so it will all depend on the weather. I will not swim first if the temperature is going to be 30! We shall see! I will be at EP Tom Sawyer for sure in August!! This stuff is addicting!!!

Check that off the bucket list!!

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Our miles are finally starting to get higher. I finally feel like we are "marathon training!" We ran downtown today right past the troll......
My arm wasn't long enough to get the troll too.
We ran on the new walking bridge this morning. It's so nice up there. I can't wait until it's completely finished and we can make one big loop. (We actually ran it last week too but I forgot my camera. Oh the humanity!!)
The marathon will be here before we know it!!!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Races on the Horizon

The next race we have is the triathlon (insert scream of fear here!!) coming up on February 24.
Shelby Sprint Triathlon
Du du du dunnnnn.....after that we have the marathon on April 27th in Nashville.

June 8 is the Color Run in Louisville.  I am super excited about this one.  We had a blast last year and Sam is planning to do it this year!!  Wahoooo!!!

I said I wasn't going to do any adventure runs this year because of the injury risk but my nephew talked me into Hero Rush on July 13.  It didn't take too much convincing!  It'll be fun!!!

Lastly, we signed up for our second marathon.  It's the Monumental Marathon in Indianapolis on November 2.  I hear it's flat and fast.  I think it will be a good second one after hilly Nashville!  I really want to eventually do Chicago but we are headed to Disney World this year for Fall Break.

That's it so far for this year.  We will see what other kind of trouble we can find!  :) 

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Merry Christmas to ME!

You may remember this Christmas present from my best running pals.....
Well, today was the race. We were up and ready to roll early!  I sported my IU leg warmers!! 
The goal was around 2 hours. We weren't planning to race it at all. It was strictly a training run for us. We didn't want anyone injured. We have our eye on the prize....the full marathon on April 27th. It started raining as I was driving to the race. UGH! 13.1 miles in the rain did not sound like my idea of a good time. Thankfully, the rain stopped and the temperature was perfect!!! We had a good ol' time out there.
We ran and ran...actually going 13.4 miles. We even ended up placing....all 4 of us girls.  Our time was around 1:55. A little faster than we were shooting for.  Lori and Rhonda even won their age group! Jess and I both placed! See? I came in second and Jess came in third. Really we were right next to each other.
Here is my prize!!!! Oh la la!! ;)
A fun morning for sure!! Merry Christmas to ME!