Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Think about it....

Don't you just love those microwave meals?  They are so quick and easy!  I always think if it's too good to be true then it probably is!  Remember those things are processed and usually contain a ton of sodium.  I don't know about you but when I eat them (and I never do) they last me about 5 minutes before I am hungry again!  I need something with some substance!  The problem is if you add a yogurt and other things to the meal, your calories end up being higher.  Eating healthy takes some planning and thought.  I make my lunch the night before when I have time.  Sure, these meals are easy to just grab on the way out the door but with some planning, you can have a healthy, nutritious meal.

Let's talk about portion control.  This is really important to think about.  There can be too much of a good thing.  Take cereal for example, have you ever measured that stuff out?  They say that it's like 120 calories per serving but if you actually measure it out, a "normal" bowl for most people is way more than that.  My small amounts of meat (Hi, Gretchen) got lots of laughs.  BUT, when you really look at our portions, they are way out of control!  A serving of chicken is only 3 ounces which is about the size of a deck of cards.  That's less than a whole chicken breast.  Measure out your portions and count those calories.  It works!!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yes, I am addicted to the easily accessible apps...I recommend the "LoseIt" app. It is awesome! It allows you to set your current weight, goal weight, and then calculates your daily caloric goals. You can also log your exercise activities and calories expended. If you actually measure and log everything (it's actually fun to "compete" against yourself), it is guaranteed to make you lose weight. I am back on it and it already is whipping me into shape! Much easier to NOT put food in your mouth when you have to log it and be held accountable. I usually plan my meal and log before eating so I can make adjustments before adding any unnecessary calories. Hopes this helps anyone in my position (needing to get healthy ASAP!)