Friday, August 31, 2012

It's not all cookies and ice cream!

Sometimes it's hard.  Sometimes you want to quit.  Sometimes you have no idea how you are going to go another mile.  Jess and I ran 12 miles this morning and there are 3 words I would use to describe those 12 miles.....HOT, HILLY, HARD!  Man, I wanted to quit!  At the 6 mile mark, we ran past my house.  OUCH!  That was a tough one!  

We did hill work today.  Jess tried to get a picture of this ginormous hill that we had to climb but the pic does it no justice!

Being FINISHED felt oh so good!
Jess took a short video.  It's not always easy but get out there anyway!!  IT'S WAY WORTH IT!!!

(Yes, I am aware that I am wearing the same workout outfit as last week!  ha!  I own drawers and shelves full of work out clothes.  Funny that I'm in the same thing!)

I am going to leave you with this article about rest.

Don't forget to rest too!  Jess sent me a text that said, "In the last 6 days we each taught 3 classes and ran 40+ miles that included hills and speed training.  That's hard core!  Rest day well-deserved tomorrow - ENJOY!"  YES!  I am looking forward to a REST day!!  :)

Have a great 3-day weekend!!

1 comment:

ginmommy said...

You are an inspiration!