Sunday, August 5, 2012

There is a moral to this story....

Well, how was your eating this weekend?  Are you proud of yourself for sticking to it even though you wanted to stray?  Are you disappointed because you had that fruity drink or dessert that you should have skipped?  No matter where you's a new week!  It's time to celebrate your successes and/or get back on track.  For me, it's time to get back on track.  Yes, I stuck to my workouts.  (That's the easy part!) No, I didn't eat very well.  Even if you had too many Landshark Lagers this weekend, tomorrow is a new day.  Tomorrow will be better.  Oh, and in case you were wondering, one cheeseburger from White Castle has 170 calories.  GULP!


the lewis gang said...

...or jello shots...or bug juice...or taco dip! :) good thing that is just once in a great while kind of thing!! :)

danraymac said...

or a cigar