One great way to get motivated is to set a goal. Sign up for a race or event, make a plan, and stick to it. Well, being the loving wife that I am, I set a goal for Daniel. I signed him up for the Triple Crown of Running. I made him a plan. I sent him a training schedule. He even printed it off and hung it in his office. That's about all I could do. He had to do the rest. (Well, I did help the boys make signs, pick up his race packet, and drive him to the race! I try to make it easy on him people!! That's how much I want him to be healthy and exercise!) The Anthem 5K was a couple of weeks ago. He did great and we were so proud to be there to cheer him on with our homemade signs!!!
Sam and Jake did the Fun Run. Jake's age group was first.
Then, it was Sam's turn. They both did a great job and were so proud!!! I am so glad we set this example for our kids!
The Rodes City 10K was Saturday. I got my hands on a free bib so Daniel and I did it together. It was fun!! After my 20 mile training run the day before, I was happy to have finished!
The Papa John's 10 miler is coming up!!