Saturday, September 8, 2012

Motivation...I have thought so much about this since Alicia asked me to post. I have exercised most of my adult life (when I was in school it was all about the sport) so I had to think about this because I thought exercise and health is just a habit for me now. I realized it's not! I choose and search for motivation all the time. I am so excited to share these with you!

First, my name is Lori Gavin and I am the elder of our running group. I usually pretend I am Alicia and Jess's age but truth is I am 12 years older. I have two girls, Lindsay and Madison. Lindsay is a junior at IU Bloominton and Maddie is a junior in high school. I work at instilling in them the improtance of exercise and healthy eating. I really believe teaching my kids how to be healthy is one of my jobs as a mother. My exercise is part of modeling for my kids but mostly it's for me. I love the way I feel relaxed and energized after working out. Through the years, I have walked, swam, and jazzercised for exercise. I started running about 4 or 5 years ago and totally fell in love with it.

What motivates me is the feeling of being healthy, fit, and happy! Exercise creates endorphins to stimulate the feeling of happiness. Who doesn't want that! Keeping motivated is the tougher part that everyone, including myself, has to work through. Here is how I handle it....GOALS, GOALS, and amending GOALS. When I really started thinking about motivation for myself it all went back to setting goals. I set them all the time and they are nothing fancy. Just something to keep me going. When I first started running my goal was to add mileage. Believe me it was hard because I was a new runner. Positive self talk was crucial to get to my goal. You may think this is silly, but in my head I would say, "C'mon Gavin you can do this!". Positive self talk can really help but you might not want to say it out loud. Ha!

Don't stop at one goal! After you accomplish one set a new one. After adding mileage my goal was to run a half marathon with my brother and sister-in-law who come in town every year to run the Derby mini. I was going to surprise them! The feeling of accoomplishment was so rewarding and I was off setting another goal.
Goals really work to help keep you motivated!

I have to mention that goals sometimes need to be amended. Life happens but that is not failure! Recently I have struggled with injuries. When this happens goals should not be dropped; just amended. Do I sometimes get down when this happens? YES! Just recently my goal was a half marathon with the girls in Nashville, I was so excited because it was my "return" from my previous hip injury. I fell one day (not while running) and now have a torn MCL and meniscus. Doctor said running is out! I was so disappointed I went straight to the store and bought my favorite treat animal crackers and cool whip. I ate the whole tub! Doc said I could swim and do the elliptical. I was not motivated to go through this again but...I went. I decided to take a picture of myself on the elliptical and send to my running buddies. It actually made me feel better, and so I set my amended goal. Don't be afraid to do silly, little things to motivate yourself. My new goal...during recovery hit the pool and elliptical so as not to lose too much of my fitness level. I really want to get back out there with my friends who motivate me as well and make exercise fun.

I wanted to include quotes from two people that inspire me, Chuck and Kathleen Schuler. They are all in when it comes to fitness, exercise and health. I asked them what motivates them...Katleen says, "I come from a family of obesity and don't want to live the life I see them live. Being healthy and fit is a lot more comfortable."  Chuck says, "Physical activity has always been part of my life and not doing it wouldn't be normal. I enjoy competition!"

Everyone has reasons and things that motivate them. Set your GOALS, use positive self talk, and find friends TO KEEP YOURSELF MOVING! You will enjoy your life of fitness!

Love, Lori


Jami said...

This was great Lori! I wouldn't call myself a runner just yet, I hope to get there one day and I get the goals. I hit my goal of 3 miles tonight. I felt great afterwards so I'm making my next one 5 miles. It's so rewarding when you get there. Thanks again, I appreciate it!

fredsburgmomof3 said...

This is very good advice! Thank-you for taking the time to write it!