Sunday, July 22, 2012

Day 4

I am going to go ahead and post now even though today isn't over because I may not get another chance to post again until Sunday. 

There are a couple of good points that you guys have brought up.

First and foremost, Gretchen, I busted out when you said you would rather have a little chub and enjoy yourself!!  ha ha!!  Thanks!

I do like almonds.  I eat them off and on.  I am not on an almond kick right now though.  I love almond slivers on my salads.

As far as restaurants go, sometimes I eat healthy and sometimes not so much.  It really just depends on if I am in the mood for a salad or not.  That's usually about the only choice if you are going to eat low cal when you are out.  I never get dressing on my salads.  Those calories can really add up!  Sometimes I will get a plate of steamed veggies if they offer something like that.

You guys can tell from my menu that I don't starve myself.  Life is all about choices.  I do eat ice cream and junk sometimes.  I love chocolate and dips when we go to parties.  I also like fruity drinks....very high in calories.  BUT I don't eat/drink that stuff all the time.  I ate ice cream.....twice last weekend so I've made healthy choices all week this week.  That's what I teach my kids.  When we came home from camping last week, they ask for fruit snacks.  I said, "No.  Our body needs some healthy choices now because we've been camping and eating unhealthy."  If they eat a donut then I make them eat a fruit or something if they are still hungry rather than going back over and over for 5 donuts just because they taste good.  I am just as satisfied when I eat a fruit for a snack as when I eat some crackers and I feel so much better when I do.  I feel sooooo good when I eat healthy.  I have so much more energy and I just feel "light".  Heavily processed food wears me down and I don't like the way I feel.  I can really tell the next morning if I've eaten unhealthy.  I don't like to be hungry.  I eat.  I just try to eat things that are going to make me feel good for the long haul not just for that second that it's in my mouth.  I will be the first to admit that it's hard.  I struggle with it sometimes.

On to my day so far...

I ran 3 miles this morning.  I came home and ate 2 eggs and 2 turkey sausage links.

For lunch, I had a turkey sandwich with mustard and non-fat yogurt with fresh blueberries. 

I'm going to go to Puerto Vallarta for dinner tonight.  I will skip the chips but I'm not sure what I will get to eat.  We shall see.

Good luck this weekend!  :)

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